Downtown Colorado
DCI Monthly DDA RoundtableEach month our DDA members join a call to discuss pertinent issues and share ideas and best practices on district management. This past ...
EXPLORING THE COMMUNITY LAND TRUSTEXPLORING THE COMMUNITY LAND TRUSTHave you heard of community land trusts? Still a little unsure what exactly they do (and how they are ...
IN THE GAME 2022 Was a Huge Success!Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI) is pleased to share some feedback about IN THE GAME 2022. The event was a huge success!
Tiny Towns Meeting 5/4: Maintaining COVID-19 Gains in Ti... Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI) meets monthly with our cohort of Tiny Towns (towns with less than 1,000 population). Check out what was di...
2022 DCI Governor's Awards for Downtown Excellence Winners! Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI) is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 Governor's Awards for Downtown Excellence! Since 2003, the ...
CELEBRATING AMERICORPS VISTA WEEKDowntown Colorado, Inc. has been a sponsoring organization that manages and places VISTA members across the state of Colorado for 6 years.
DESIGN AND PRESERVATION IN ACTION IN CENTER!Contributed by Marianne Stuck, Design WorkshopSince partnering with DCI in 2018 as a Challenge Community, the Town of Center has made si...
GETTING IT DONE IN 20212021 was the year of Getting It Done for DCI, our members, and our partners. We wanted to build off of the increased collaboration and p...
DCI & CML's WESTSIDE METRO MOBILE TOUROn Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021, Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI) and Colorado Municipal League (CML) hosted their 2nd annual Mobile Tour ...
COLORADO'S HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMERCIAL TAX CREDITSColorado has a generous Historic Preservation Tax Credit program to encourage and support the historic preservation projects in communit...
WELCOME TO COLORADO | A REFUGEE JOURNEYOn July 8th DCI held a discussion with Nermina Mujkanović, from the Colorado Refugee Speakers Bureau; on her own refugee experience and ...
ECONOMIC RECOVERY FRAMEWORK UPDATE WITH PROGRESSIVE URBA... On May 27th, 2021 DCI hosted a discussion about an updated action framework for Colorado downtowns presented by Brad Segal, Founder and ...